Survei Ubinan - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bangli Regency

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Survei Ubinan

Survei Ubinan

February 19, 2024 | BPS Activities

The annual tile survey is divided into 3 subrounds, namely subround I (January – April), subround II (May – August), and subround III (September – December). Until now, the implementation of tiles is still in subround I. In subround I, there are 92 samples of tiles for secondary crops consisting of 23 corn, 27 peanuts, 11 cassava and 31 sweet potatoes.
One strategy to guarantee the quality of the tiling results is to ensure the harvest schedule for the farmers selected as samples so that tiling can be carried out according to the subround schedule at the time of updating. In this tile survey, data collected by PCL includes land area, planting methods, type of fertilizer used, pest management methods, weight of tiles, number of clumps tiled, etc.

Hopefully the quality of tile data in Bangli Regency will remain maintained.
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