2016 Economic Census Muster - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bangli Regency

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2016 Economic Census Muster

2016 Economic Census Muster

March 18, 2016 | Other Activities

2016 Economic Census Muster in Bangli held on March 18, 2016. The ceremony is simultaneously performed by all regency / municipality BPS, BPS and BPS RI. This activity in Bangli Regency attended by all employees of BPS-Statistics of Bangli Regency and Economic Census enumerators, 2016.

The ceremony began at 08.00 am and chaired by the Head of BPS Bangli regency. In his speech the Head of BPS Bangli Regency recite the pledge of Economic Census 2016 and continued with the initial call for all participants on the implementation of the Economic Census 2016 field.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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