Household Data Collection PBDT2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bangli Regency

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Household Data Collection PBDT2015

Household Data Collection PBDT2015

June 16, 2015 | BPS Activities

Social protection is part of the vision, mission and programs of the government, known as "Nawa Cita", which means 9 agenda for change. One is about enhancing the quality of life of the Indonesian people through social protection programs. Various programs in question is the Program Saves Family Welfare, Indonesia Pintar program, Healthy Indonesia program, Rice for the Poor (Raskin), the Family Hope Program (PKH) and others.

In implementing the program takes the data and information on the targets in the form of the Integrated Data Base (BDT). The Government commissioned the BPS to collect and process data of domestic / family goals through activities tepadu Database Update (PBDT) 2015 BPS has conducted similar activities in the Social Economic Registration, 2005 (PSE05), Data Collection Program of Social Protection (PPLS) in 2008, and PPLS 2011 . Methodology PBDT 2015 differs from the previous activity (PPLS 2011). PBDT activity in 2015 is divided into two stages, the first organized Consultation Forum
Public (FKP) village level involving the chairman of the community or the Local Environment Unit (SLS) one level below it. The second phase is the collection of household referring to the results of the first stage (FKP).

The main objective of activities PBDT 2015 is to obtain a description of the household and the household members BDT in 2015 as a condition of the data and the latest information. With the availability of such data ministries / agencies and local governments as well as private can be used for program targeting.

The event was held on 16th June - July 15, 2015.
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